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HbA1c-The once in 3 Month Average Sugar Level Test-No Fasting Required

 HbA1c-The once in 3 Month Average Sugar Level Test-No Fasting Required
What is HbA1c Test?

HbA1c Test or Glycated Haemoglobin test (Glycohaemoglobin Test or simply A1c Test) measures the average blood sugar levels for the past 3-4 months. It is crucial for every diabetic person.

Haemoglobin, a protein in the Red Blood Cells helps in the transportation of oxygen through the body. The Sugar or glucose in our body combines with haemoglobin A to form a molecule called Glycated haemoglobin. The Red Blood Cell life in the human body is 120 days.

Thus, a measure of the Glycated haemoglobin molecule will give a good estimate of blood sugar levels for the past 3-4 months.

Merits of HbA1c Test
  • No fasting required- HbA1c Test is independent of food consumption
  • Reliable- Since it doesn’t fluctuate depending on food intake just before the test; HbA1c Test is more reliable and trustworthy.
  • Easy calculation of sugar level- Doctors recommend diabetic patients an HbA1cTest every 3-6 months as it directly reflects the blood sugar levels in the previous 8-12 weeks which in turn helps in assessing how controlled the patient’s diabetes is.
  • Hassle-free- Since no 12 hours fasting before the test is required, the patient can assess his sugar levels hassle-free.
  • Any Day Any Time- Since HbA1c Test is unbiased, it can be done any day, any time, or post-prandial.


What does HbA1c Test indicate?

A small HbA1c Test value indicates a lesser risk of contracting diabetic-related diseases and complications. It not only helps in diagnosis but is crucial in monitoring as well. HbA1c Test is advised not only for a patient suffering from diabetes but also for pre-diabetics and borderline diabetic people as it shows how steady their sugar levels are.

HbA1c Test is a percentage that shows how much sugar or glucose has combined in your blood.

HbA1c Test value – Below 6.2%       –    Healthy/ Normal
                                              –   6.2%- 6.5%       –    Pre-Diabetes
                                               –  6.5% or more    –    Diabetic
CaveatSome factors like liver or kidney malfunction, recent blood loss or transfusion, reduced iron levels, anaemia, etc., can interfere with the HbA1c Test value.

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